Feb 13, 2012

Help for a Stomach Bloating

Natural Remedies
Many herbal and homeopathic remedies have been formulated with specific
ingredients to lessen stomach bloating and promote healthy digestion. Herbs such
as Foeniculum Vulgare (Sweet Fennel) and Pulsatilla Vulgaris (Pasque Flower)
The content of this ebook is intended for
informational purposes only.
It is not intended to diagnose or treat any
medical condition. Nothing in this ebook is
intended to be a substitute for
professional medical advice, diagnosis, or
treatment. Always seek the advice of your
physician or other qualified health
provider with any questions you may have

Stomach Bloating

What is Stomach Bloating?
Bloating in the stomach can be a common occurrence – most of us will experience
a bloated stomach at some stage of our lives. The feeling of ‘pressure’ and
‘fullness’ in the stomach, that can make it feel as though we are stretched to
capacity or weighted down.
What Causes Stomach Bloating?
Bloating is most often caused by trapped gas in the small intestine. This can cause
flatulence (passing of excessive gas/wind) painful stomach ache and an
uncomfortable feeling when wearing tight clothes. There are a variety of
things that can cause this bloated feeling, including digestion problems such as:
● Indigestion
● Intestinal Gas
● Trapped wind
● Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
● Dysmotility (a slow digestive system)
Other conditions that may result in a bloated stomach include:
● Candidiasis
● Coeliac Disease
● Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
Bloating can also occur as a result of food intolerance, insufficient Hydrochloric
acid in your stomach, insufficient digestive enzymes in your stomach or lack of
good intestinal flora (good bacteria normally present in the gut). Whatever the
cause, the fact remains that for some reason digestion is hampered and
undigested foods are reaching your gut where fermentation takes place causing the
As a bloated stomach can indicate more serious conditions, if bloating persists or
worsens, it is advised that you seek medical advice.